RangerLane's Daily Bread: Man, I need God

Monday, September 10, 2007

Man, I need God

I friend just called exhaling those very words.

Say it to yourself. Repeat it in your mind. Oh how true a statement.

My friend is a single guy. A free bird. His life has been characterized by ups and downs, hills and valleys. He'd felt for sometime a void in his life. A huge hole that he just couldn't figure out. Something was missing. Something big.
We met one Sunday morning at the place where I worship. He just showed up one day. Didn't really know why he was where he was, he just knew he needed to be there.
As I looked out across the sea of faces, there he was. He stood out like a hunter dressed in blaze orange on a field of freshly fallen snow. He was obviously in an unfamilar place and his appearance suggested that he was a rebel. Spiked hair, cut-off shorts, flip-flops and a tee shirt sporting the infamous Jack Daniels logo. Surrounded by a multitude of people dressed in their "Sunday best" with hair neatly combed and bibles in hand, he was more than just a little intimidated. His appearance was a reflection of his life. It was and would become one of his most endearing qualities.

Hutch was his name. He had come to our meeting place because he longed to fill the void he had felt. He longed to live a life that had meaning and purpose, something that he admitted he was lacking. Unsure were to find it, God led him to us - and us to him.

To make a long story short, Hutch found what he was looking for - Jesus Christ.

Sure there are times when he struggles with continuing the pursuit of a life of loving Jesus, but hey, who of us doesn't? The reality is Hutch is honest enough to admit when he's strayed.
Too many of us are unwilling to be that honest with ourselves. We try to hide it, think no one will know if we just conceal it well enough. We only lie to themselves. Instead facing the truth, we allow our sin to defeat us, to become a burden to us, consuming us until we are nothing but bitter angry individuals who expend an enourmous amount of energy trying to divert attention from our miserable reality by spotlighting the troubles of others and saying "look, at least I'm not like them"!

God help us.

Funny thing is, well, not funny, remarkable thing is, He will. God, our loving Father, desires to do exactly that, to help us. He desires to forgive our sin and reunite Himself with His creation. As evidence of how great His desire is, He sent Jesus to die by our hand, that He might take on the sins of the world and pay the debt that was owed.

"Man, I need God."

Thanks for reminding me Hutch. Your honesty serves as a continual reminder that each of us need God.

Blessings to you in Christ the Lord.



At 1:13 PM , Blogger Matt Lee said...

Thanks for the reminder Lane and Hutch.

Man! I need God!

At 9:58 PM , Blogger Evan Hutchinson said...

That was deep and awesome! I cherish your words and I will always remember you.



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