RangerLane's Daily Bread: Shalom

Monday, February 04, 2008


September 10, 2007 I wrote about this really cool guy I know. His name is Hutch. He's been undergoing this radical tranformation, one that can only be accomplished as a result of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit - God in us.

Take a look at what he emailed me just the other day.
The following is an excerpt from "The Hutch Tribune". It is a testimony to how faith in the Lord Jesus can bring focus and purpose to one's life.

So here is the 411 on the down low of my little book, sermon, novel, hutchisms, or whatever you like to call it. This just a preview or in the book world... introduction:

I don't know about you, but playing the game of Life is one of the toughest challenge I have ever faced. One day you are up top looking down and then the next your on the bottom looking up. In the midst of being on the bottom scrounging for survival it turns out to be my finest hour. Thank God for church and friends because if I didn't have the tools to face the battle I would have been dead along time ago. Who ever said a person can't change is full of crap. I'm living proof and so are alot of other people. Christopher Reeve, Winston Churchill, Paul, Solomon, and the list goes and goes. Ever since I quit drinking and nicotine, I have been set free charging the gate and taking names. It is not easy I struggle everyday. I told myself I'm going make this goal and stick with it. It has been a month! and I'm stronger than ever! I'm passionate about God, life and my job! All I needed was God, goals, will power, and friends, I call it the big 4. GOALS: godly objectives assures lassting success. Did you know? We learn new things everyday. Everytime I learn something new everyday I get more excited about it because it helps me grow. I'm not at the top, but not on the bottom, I'm in the middle. But I like the view and it is looking sweet dude!! We are meant to do great things! It is not all about working 9 to 5. God gave us arms, legs, and a mouth to speak. USE IT!!!!!! You don't have to be a rocket scientist or have a degree to serve God's will. "In his heart a man plots his course but the Lord determines his steps" Proverbs 16:9. I have this tattoo for many reasons, it outlines my life, it starts conversations, and it looks cool. I don't know what is up the road. Everyone asks me what are going to do for a career, these past 7 years I have been struggling with that question. I do have a career.... it is called Serving God and he is always hiring.

Life is not a journey to the grave
With the intention of
Arriving safely in a pretty
And well preserved body,
But rather to skid in broadside,
Thoroughly used up,
Totally worn out,
And loudly proclaiming,
WOW !!!! What a ride!

-Erma Bombeck

God bless you all, I love you, and I see you up the road.


Encouragement. Focus. Purpose.

WOW! What a ride!!!

I leave you today with this simple instruction first given to Timothy by the Apostle Paul: "Preach the word."

Now go and do likewise.

In Christ our Lord,


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