RangerLane's Daily Bread: November 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Well, it has been some time since I last recorded a blog entry. I could probably name several reasons for why I haven't recorded anything on my blog, but what would that accomplish? I've written much, just not in this particular venue.

As many of my friends now know, I have returned to school. It has thus far been an exceedingly rewarding decision, though not without its cost. I feel enriched as a result. While reflecting on that thought alone, I am eternally grateful to my wife and children for having provided the necessary motivation to return to school. 35 years ago, enrichment would not have been an adjective I would have used to describe education. But know, a little wiser, it is a wonderfully exciting and thought provoking experience.

Our nation is in the midst of an economic crisis. At least that is what the "experts" say. I have to admit, I feel it when at the register of my local grocer. Or while at the pump filling my Ford F350 4x4 crew-cab long-bed pickup truck. Who ever thought it would take almost 150 bucks to fill the tank? Certainly not me. Or should I say, I never really thought that far ahead.

What will it cost me a year, or two, or ten, or twenty from now? How many of us really consider the future and how we will endure it?

As I look back on my life over the past 35 years, I am appalled at the waste that I now recognize in hindsight. Sure, gas & groceries cost more now than they did then. However, had I invested (or at least put into savings) more of the money that I so frivolously spent on important things like extra televisions, or newer vehicles, or all those exercise videos, I would be far better prepared for the inevitable future that awaits every generation.

Here's a little advice from an older man: Buy less groceries. Drive less. Turn off the television and read a book, or better yet, read a book to someone else. Rediscover the joy of slowing down. Rediscover the freedom of less.

I am often asked what is it like having so much homework. Or, don't you miss having time for extra stuff like watching TV or hanging out, or, whatever. My response is simple - "I get to do all that homework... it so much better than TV." Sure I miss all the time I used to spend with others, but in reality, there is time for that too. I just have to be more deliberate about the choices I make so that I can accomplish what is important, whether that be fostering relationships or self improvement through higher education.

The Apostle Paul said it like this: 11Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, 12so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.
1 Thess 4:11-12 (NIV)

So slow down. Simplify your life. Find something you enjoy doing. Learning is a great choice, as is walking a dog, or stroking a cat. Whatever you choose, allow it to be something other than trying to maintain a lifestyle of excess, which unfortunately is what our culture has deceived us into believing is the norm.

Of course the occassional motorcycle ride is always a joy...vroom... vroom. :O)